In most cases, when send a payment to us, it is processed quickly and your subscription is activated immediately. However, sometimes your bank may place your payment on hold so they can perform fraud detection checks. These checks are beyond our control.
During this time you will see a payment pending message when you sign into your account. You are free to sign out and return back later once your payment has been completed.
In general, these fraud detection checks are completed within four to six hours. Once your bank has confirmed if your payment is valid, we will automatically update your account and activate your subscription.
Hi, my username is priyasaim, i have paid £6 yesterday via Amex and the payment has been processed from bank. But thr subscription is not yet activated in my account. Could gou please check this ASAP?
kind regards,
Any update on the above query? Its like online looting, money is taken from bank and paypal confirmed that the transaction is processed. But my subscription is not activated yet. And no one is responding from redsquirrel!! Didn't expect this from such a big brand
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